Saturday, July 7, 2007

Vacation Day 2

Why didn't I take my camera? Anyway, today was wonderful. I left the east bay in a skirt and a t-shirt, but remembered to take a sweatshirt. I drove to Whole Foods to get some food and cash, but I forgot to get a fork, so I didn't eat my food on the train. That was probably good, since, well, eating on the train can elicit a $222 fine. Ouch. I got on the Bart, which was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo crowded and hot, due to all the people going to the All Star game at the Oakland Colliseum. Finally, they got off, and a couple got on, claiming that the train was much hotter than it was outside. I told them that it had just gotten a LOT cooler, then I learned that they were from Wisconsin! Oshkosh! We talked a bit about the weather and the differences between California and Wisconsin. They mentioned that they were on their honeymoon and were a. shocked at how cold SF was and b. wanted to feel an earthquake while they were there. They got off at Embarcadero, I think.

After a while, I got to Glen Park, got out of the station, called Eva, then found her and she took me to her apartment. She changed Kate and we went for a walk with the stroller to a Thai restaurant. I had pa naeng curry that was amazing. We also got spring rolls that reminded me of my mom's egg rolls with the peanut butter. Everyone thinks putting peanut butter in egg rolls is odd, but damn, it is so good. Of course, Thai food has lots of peanuts and peanut sauce in it, so that might be why I love Thai so damn much. God, I love Thai food!

Anyway, after that, we took a walk to Golden Gate park, and it was like a real forest. The ocean was beautiful, and there was a really big ship out there too. The park was like a real forest too! And it wasn't sunny, for once. Eva mentioned that she wished it wasn't such a crappy day, and I explained how I learned back in HS that we should appreciate every day, so the presence of clouds and cold weather doesn't really bother me that much. We talked a lot about a bunch of things and Kate took a nap in the stroller.

On the ride home, I saw a man with a shirt saying "save nola" and I really liked it. They said they were getting off at Castro Valley, so before the stop, I asked him where he got it, and he said "in New Orleans" and I asked if he (and his family - I assume) was from NOLA. The woman next to him said that he was. We talked about the how welcoming the city was and how it was doing. They said that New Orleans needs people to remember that it is still there, and it still needs tourism income.

2000 Hug Mark Hit Today

I learned that if I define the td class and then define the span class as the same thing, they combine and make the class even more awesome.

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