Sunday, January 20, 2008

Kids will love my house, even if they aren't mine.

I haven't showered since Friday morning and I couldn't get to sleep that night. I slept from 1pm to 9 on Saturday, then went to bed again at 2. I woke up this morning and went on the computer. Jeremy was there and we talked, then I went out for a drive. I realized I wanted to go to the frame store to frame that picture of the farm, but I didn't have it with me, so I got on the highway. I thought I would get off at Bollinger and go to Whole Foods, but I just wanted to drive. I thought I might get on 580 east? No, I decided, west, to the city. So I drove on, wondering what it was about driving that was so comforting - maybe it was just the ability to move really fast - really fast without stopping. As I moved really fast, I realized that I missed the interchange with 580 west, so I decided I would go to World Market (really called Cost Plus, but thats a dumb name, in my opinion). I didn't know what I wanted, maybe just some tortilla chips to eat with the salsa I made last night. I saw they had a furniture sale, and then immediately fixated on a nice little round table with two chairs. It was just the right price, just the right size, but was it the right color? Then I fixated on the jewelry. I am accessorizing more and more - eventually, I want to be able to accessorize every single day. I'm also amassing the best mom/aunt jewelery collection ever, to go along with a nice shawl collection. Kids will love my house, even if they aren't mine. So I saw an orange pendant and had to have it and began the search for matching earings. Again, I couldn't find them, but I did see a pair of silver earings that I really liked. I didn't think they matched anything I already have, but I wanted them, so I decided to get them. I began to walk around more of the store. I got some neat candies, and some small bottles of sugar free torani syrups to put in my coffee at work. I also got a doormat. This time, I got one with a green grass-type pattern. Lets hope this one doesn't get stolen. As I walked around the store, in such angst due to not being able to just buy everything and take it home with me (and also because my own place is so messy), I picked up a couple of other things. I got tortilla chips and a nice Indian-style wall hanging. I went to pay and I had spent over $50, so I got a free tote bag too!

I took my mat and my tote back to my car to drive home and on the way, my iPod played the best mix of music. There were a couple of Richard Cheese songs I really liked (I can't help it, I love the lounge style of music), a great Rasputina song, then Ani's Pixie. It was the perfect mix for odd white girl I am. Pixie ended as I pulled into my carport and I was sure that the next song would be something that wouldn't fit - after all, there are so many dumb songs on that thing. A Smiths song came on, and I didn't recognize it at first, but as soon as Morissey began singing, I couldn't believe my ears. It was, of course, the best Morissey song ever. You all know it, it goes, "I was happy in the haze of a drunken hour, but heaven knows I'm miserable now." But I went inside, instead, contemplating how I would describe the day and hoping that I wouldn't sabotage wooing the man of my dreams by diverting from my goal of losing weight.

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