Saturday, March 15, 2008

Red Red Blue Red

So, this morning, I put on my fabulous, still sorta new red coat and set out to buy a digital camera, a carry-on suitcase, and a lamp shade. I went to Circuit City (I had a gift card) and looked at the cameras and setteled on a nice Casio model that takes videos for only about $150. Then I set out for the Indian Buffet. After food, I went to World Market and found my blue shell lamp shade and set out for the mall and my new suitcase. I looked up prices online and saw a nice red model for less than $150. I figured I wouldn't get anything for less than that. I went to the mall, found the store, and located my crimson bag and bought it. My tasks complete for the day, I went home.
Mi cámara fotográfica digital nueva

This morning, I also rearranged my bedroom to put my bed in the corner and the exercise and TV area closer to the bathroom area. The room looks so open now. If only I could get rid of all the clothes lying around everywhere.

Also, if you are one of the people with whom I've had drama AND stopped talking to over the past four years, ignore my blog and get a life. And I know who "Evil Bob" was and I know she's pathetic.

1 comment:

Urs said...

Damn, posted at pi time too!