Sunday, August 24, 2008

What the hell, the sun is out?

The funniest part of today was when I was talking with my friend's friend, B. Earlier, I told some people around me who I worked for. Later, B and I were talking about something that related to work. The topic of my business card came up, and since I had seen B's former business card, and maybe because he is curious, he asked to see mine. I remembered that I had one in my wallet and just pulled it out, forgetting that he had not been around when I exposed my employer. There was silence and shock, and suddenly, I could see the huge, glaring VBCA logo [and everything it represents] against the white background, in the sunniness of the afternoon in the middle of a giant hippie music festival. I cracked up and after B took in my information, I put my card away. He then expressed interest in getting a job at the VBCA, and I gave him my work email and told him that I could give him some information. From the angle where I was sitting, I didn't see all of the shock in his face when I pulled my card out, but I saw enough. It was hilarious.Yesterday, I got up around 9am and managed to touch base with J [not the same J from the music festival] about breakfast - neither of us could go, so I'll see him when he gets out here again. I then sent a text to the other J and learned he would be at the park by 3, so I had some time. I discovered that I have professional clothes, casual professional clothes, clubbing/bar clothes, and workout clothes, but I lack the truly casual wardrobe appropriate for an outdoor music festival. I threw a few things together, and I really should have brought my "It's Mother #$^@ing Booze Time" t-shirt. I wore a tanktop, jeans, and my grey hiking shoes with real socks. I took my Archives hoodie and my purple scarf.

I had breakfast and then I set out for Safeway, then WC. I got coffee and clif bars at Safeway - I wasn't about to waste a single cent more on overpriced and lukewarm food at the festival. I got to WC and waited for the train, on which I napped a little. This made me dead tired for the Muni ride and walk from the Muni to the park. Luckily, there was a Starbucks on the way, and with my reciept from coffee that morning, I was able to get a triple espresso drink for $2 instead of like $4 or something. Still, that only just allowed me to be functioning for the day. I made it to the festival and got in and began searching for J. He wasn't answering his phone or text, which I later learned was due to the crappy connection all of us AT&T customers were experiencing that day. I did eventually find him and we settled down in one spot, then moved to another.

It was a good time, listening to music, chatting about things, meeting new people, reading Derrida aloud. After a few hours and the end of the Wilco set, J and I set out to meet up with B and J's sister (M) by the main stage for Jack Johnson. J and I talked a LOT through the whole set - neither of us are major Jack Johnson fans - I didn't even know who the guy was. Still, I enjoyed the music. I did take time to note that the smallest big flat panel monitor on stage was probably the size of my TV, which is 42". I have a big-ass TV. After the concert, we all headed back towards the Muni. After some pressuring, I decided to have a late night meal with J, B, and M. We walked to Mel's Diner - J was calling it "American food," and remarking that M might not like it because she, apparently, is just a sheltered [east] Indian girl, eating only what her mother cooks. She isn't really, she is just, as I learned at the diner, 16 (OMG! I totally thought she was 18! Whatever, she's still awesome.) years old, so she hasn't been as out and about as much as her older brother.

We ate, then we started walking back, either to J's apartment, or, like me, to the BART station. At ne point, I just decided to flee and get to the BART - I said goodbye, and just hauled ass. I made it in time - with about a minute or two to spare - for the last Pittsburgh/Bay Point train. A guy talked to me for a little bit. I totally contemplated giving him my number, but only after he was gone. We got to WC, I got to my car, I drove home. On the way home, my car hit 100,000 miles, and I do have video footage of that happening. I got home around 1:10 and managed to get to sleep before 2am.

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