Friday, August 10, 2007

Not a bad day

Fridays are always boring. No one is at work. I was kind of in a lack-luster mood all day. Everyone seems to like me, maybe it is hormonal or something, who knows. I need to get some serious sun tomorrow. I'll walk to the park and read. I also need an oil change and to organize my place. I Can Has CheezBurger

This site is very awesome. I like it best when the captions use proper words. It adds subtlty to the images.

This image reminds me of a colleague. She doesn't get a lot of sleep, and when I would work with her, every now and then, she would lift her head up and declare that she had just accidentally fallen asleep. I could never function on as little sleep as she gets, I don't know how she manages to be at work every day, but she does it.

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