Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Ugh, today sucked. I was awake at 5, but I decided to sleep some more. I rolled out of bed around 8:05 and got on the floor for my leg lifts. Then Joe McConnell gave us the traffic report and it was 8:10. I finished my exercises, got off the floor, washed my face in the shower, got ready, picked some clothes and didn't like them that much, and went to work. I got in just before 9 and did some decomm stuff, worked on the BCP, got the fiesta salad, flatbread, and some tiramisu because damnit, I wanted some f*ing food. I continued working on the BCP, then I got a call from my PM, and finished up the day working on the thesis. I stayed an hour later than I needed to stay, but got a lot of work done. I went to whole foods and got tomatoes, raspberries, tasted some cheese and HAD to have it, then I looked for a "spicy French wine" and settled on a French pinot noir. Where are the wine people when you need them and not when they're blocking the aisle? UGH Anyway, then I walked around, knowing that I wanted more food, but knowing that I shouldn't get too much. Eventually, I found a pre-packaged half pound of mac&cheese and got in line and paid. I effing hate that there is no little thing to block people from seeing my PIN on the stupid machine. I mean, they have those in $#(*ing Wisconsin, what the hell. I drove home and came in the house. Blah blah blah, ate mac&cheese, played scrabble, then I had the pint of tomatoes, then later, I needed more food, so I had some cottage cheese. Cottage cheese is much more enjoyable after a workout. I had maybe a serving, probably less, and put the cottage cheese away.

I really want to remember how crappy I felt today because of my decision at 5am to continue sleeping rather than getting up and going for a walk. I really want to remember that tomorrow morning at 5 or 6 when I'm awake again.

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