Friday, July 11, 2008

Riding the Waves

Your result for The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test: Pure Nerd
Nerd: Someone passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
Geek: Someone passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
Dork: Someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.

You scored better than half in Nerd, earning you the title of: Pure Nerd.

Nerds are so in right now.

Take The Nerd? Geek? or Dork? Test at Hello Quizzy
I got up this morning feeling dead. I got ready, in the loosest sense of the word. I brushed my hair and put it in my ponytails, then I put on my long-sleeved VBCA shirt with some of my size-too-big pants. I realized while driving through WC that I had forgotten to take my medication today. I figured I might become unstable later, but I would also sweat less, which would be kinda useful on a day like today. I got to building C and called A. He had just arrived. We then went to the room we had to go to and got to work. I worked pretty hard for a while, and then I had to get some water and meet with some friendly, familiar, non-direct-co-worker faces, so I headed to the tech support office. There I chatted with K for a few minutes and headed back, somewhat refreshed. I did some more work and then had a good lunch - salad with egg whites, cherry tomatoes, and some honey poppyseed dressing. It was part romaine lettuce [I think] because the cafeteria ran out of spinach. I hate eating other kinds of lettuce, they feel like such a waste.

The afternoon was a lot better than the morning, but I did something - two somethings - that brought on the waves of emotion for the afternoon too. I wasn't nearly as emotional today as yesterday, which was good, but its hard to commit to my decision to give up and really look elsewhere. I keep clinging to the hope of possibility, which I guess is still there, but it might be lower now. Better possibilities await, surely, better probabilities for sure. I finished the day, sad goodbye to A, and drove home. Now I'm at home, contemplating a drive to Whole Foods for some tomatoes, wishing M would call and let me know he was back in town. Also wishing a little that I hadn't decided to drop the other one. I chatted with F and J. J is still chatting with me. My dad gave me the latest news from home: Sky Jr. had a calf tonight and it was a breech birth. I'm creating a character for a new RPG and facing a night in, relaxing. Its good for me, I know, and I feel almost unemotional right now. It's weird.

And yes, in fact, I like being vague.

I spent the rest of the night at the computer making my RPG character, now I need to think of a back story. I went to Whole Foods and picked up some produce, shrimp, olives, and some egg whites. I came back home and also finished updating the dating site profile I made last year, blogged, ate some of my purchases, and got tired. Bedtime soon.

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