Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday ended on Wednesday

Today, at work, I indexed records, then changed and drove to Berkeley to meet with my friend. We got boba and headed for the "Ask an Atheist" panel. Later, my friend would tell me how intellectually stimulating the event was. After, I hung out, helped edit a guy's cardboard sign and told him about our group. I hung out in Naan and Curry with the atheists, then went off to see my security guard (L).

He wasn't at the desk, but I got in. We talked, and he told me what I was also thinking, that we wouldn't last. That we could see each other, but that eventually, we would have to end it. I told him to enjoy the present, I don't know if he can. At 11, we went to his place and talked. He asked me what it was like to have no beliefs. He told me how he would drop off the face of the map for a while. The story is fantastic, but I can't do anything but accept it as truth. I told him that anytime he wants to see or talk to me, he can call or text. At 3:30, I had to go, but I had to get gas. He came with to make sure I was safe. When that guy at the station approached us, trying to get cash for a fix, this white rural girl was glad to sit in her car while the Richmond [read: ghetto of the Bay Area, where we were] native dealt with him. I took him home and went home myself. I may never see him again, but I will miss him.

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