Thursday, June 26, 2008

92.5 was playing "How Soon is Now"

Today was better than yesterday, work was hectic, lots of meetings and unfinished project work. I guess I'll finish it tomorrow. Then I was off! To my house, to change, and then, I was off! To sit in traffic on 680, in the haze. I missed the 5:15 BART, then the 5:35 BART too, and finally made it to WC in time to catch the 5:50 BART. I texted B and told her I would be late. Because B didn't reply to my last text, I figured that S and E got in alright, and got off at the Civic Center BART. I made it to the Etiquette Room just after 6:30.

I found S and E, then got me a drink with my first ticket. I found B, then we found a seat. I heard the first part of the presentation, about FaceBook applications, then chatted with the girl next to me. Then was the panel. I thought of a question that I never got to ask, so I'm tabling it for the next Girl Geek event. It seems that we, Generation Y, Third Wave Feminists, are the pioneers of women in IT, engineering, and the whole technical area in general. Some women complained of a lack of mentorship. I wanted to stand up and say "yes, because we are the mentors."

After the panel, I went potty and got another drink. Mingling was harder than I thought, but I managed to make a few contacts and even gave out three business cards. I then told a secret to someone that I thought might have privileged information, but it turned out that he had no more information than my spies had already uncovered. I chatted more, and people cleared out. I chatted, then went to get a t-shirt and wireless network detector. Then I started chatting with an Irish guy. He took off for just 10 minutes, but I was buzzed and bored, so I left.

I met up with some people in rainbow boas, then ran off, then saw them again. They passed a taqueria and I stopped for a burrito. Then I went to the Powell St BART and got on a train. two girls and a boy in red sunglasses got on and sat near me. Later, the boy called the girl "gay" and I thought of a retort to the aim of "well, you're the one with the propensity to make out with guys" and laughed. They asked me why I was laughing and I told them what I was thinking. I got off at WC, ate half of my burrito, and got gas at my favorite gas station. I drove home and flipped around the stations. What did I hear when I got to 92.5 but the sounds of Johnny Marr's genius. I never hear my music on the radio, so I listened after I was safely in my car port. The station had not switched formats, which means I can hear this again.

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