Saturday, June 14, 2008

Smushed Flies in Ypsi

I got off the love seat at F's place in the early morning hours and moved to the vacant bed. With the blanket as a pillow, I had a strange dream that included some family event, me smacking my uncle a lot, then seeing someone possibly getting mugged and running, and finishing up at some strange strip clubs... Then I decided to lie on my back and use the blanket to keep me warm. S and I left around 10 or something, and I was pretty hung over. We stopped at a McDonald's and got some brekkie and gossiped. Then we got on the BART and went back to WC. I dropped S off at her place and then went home to wallow. First, I settled a credit matter, then I ruminated and imagined on the couch to the sounds of "San Francisco International Airport, where the big B actors roar." Eventually, I called F about going out that night and went for my walk with Moz. A walk last weekend with You are the Quarry reminded me about how much I love that album, and I needed it today. My walk was not nearly long enough, and I didn't even discover my favorite track of them all until I got home.
I've been dreaming of a time when to be English is not to be baneful, to be standing by the flag not feeling shameful, racist, or partial. (Irish Blood, English Heart)

No it's just more lock-jawed pop stars thicker than pig shit, nothing to convey. They're so scared to show intelligence, it might smear their lovely career. This world, I am afraid, is designed for crashing bores. (This World is Full of Crashing Bores)

No one I ever knew or have spoken to resembles you. This is good or bad all depending on my general mood. ([My Favorite Song])
It took a while to get into the shower, as I decided that I needed to write an essay on the 2008 Democratic Primary. But I showered and put on my top. I shortened a necklace to get the right placement, did my make-up and hair, and set out looking fabulous. But as I got to WC, I realized that hey, it gets COLD in the city, and my short sleeved, low cut top looked utterly ridiculous in SF. I figured I'd stop in Target - it is out of season, but they HAVE to have some clearnace jackets or even sweatshirts that I could buy. I ran in and walked past rows and rows of summer clothes. I found some jackets, but they were women's sizes [as opposed to men's] and the sleeves were very very tight - so they sorta fit, but there had to be something better. So I looked around. I asked two if the dumbest people on the planet if there were any jackets. I was kind of in a hurry and really didn't care that it was "out of season." How fucking dumb are people out here that don't know that it gets fucking cold just an hour away? So I got the tight sleeved jacket and ran out.
Ruminating on how I'm either way too fucking big or clothing manufacturers making clothes smaller (this was called an "XXL", btw) to shame women. It would be better to shame large women than to appeal to their $$$ and sell them clothing. We don't want skinny women thinking they can get bigger too. But damn, I need to cut some weight - please, everyone, can you hold me accountable for what I eat every day? Thank you :]
It took me forever to get out of this horrible parking lot, and I missed the 7:25 train to SFO. I called F and told him I would be at Downtown Berkeley at 8:10. I got to MacArthur and then got on the Richmond train. I called F from the Downtown Berkeley station at 8:05 and he said he would run to get there. Then we set off for San Francisco through the most dangerous place to be when the big one happens. I realized that the anticipation for the Embarcadero station is a little bit intense when you know that the BART tunnel under the bay is not well seismically braced.

But it was off to Club 6 and drinks. We discussed the art in the first gallery, then sat and talked about lots of things, like lifestyles and diversity. We got up and went to the Dark Side, where there was other music playing, and another gallery. It was not as interesting as the first one, and the music on the other side was kinda interesting. I made my big mistake of the night and got another strong drink. I was tipsy, but not where I wanted to be for the night. We then went to the basement and danced. I finished my drink and danced some more. I got a little impromptu dance lesson from F - more of a "this is how you dance with people" kind of thing, and we went upstairs to the Dark Side, where these local[?] rappers were performing. We decided to leave at one point, and then I was in a pizza place with some pizza. I ate the pizza and we were in the BART station. [a brief memory I won't blog] Somehow, we got off at MacArthur and got on the Richmond train. [detail] I left most of that pizza on the track. Somehow, F had a Britta filter and we went to his car and I made it up the stairs and crashed on the couch.

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