Sunday, June 15, 2008

What an incredible day

Today was great - I watched two episodes of Made and left the apartment building to venture into the Berkeley Sunday Morning. I saw a salon that was open and decided to have them dye my hair brown. It took a few hours in that salaon to finish the hair dye, the trimming, a little styling, and then, finally, some upper lip waxing/threading. I did read an article from a couple of months ago about Obama's political career. It was just what I needed to understand and feel able to support this candidate. But please, remind me that threading is very painful - waxing isn't that much better, but at least it is over quickly. I paid the bill, took their information, and ventured back out into the sun.

S called me, so I had to go back to the apartment to return the hoodie I took and pick up her stuff. I talked with F and then was off to the BART station. I stopped at this mexican/indian placeand saw some samosas. Then I saw the "naan burritos" and had to have one. I used their bathroom and went to the BART. It was a long long wait because I couldn't eat my burrito in the station, but I had to go in to find out that the Fremont train would be a 15 minute wait. I called S from Orinda and decided to meet her at Target, where I had to pick up some leg wax anyway. I got to Target, saw her, got my stuff, and we talked for a while. Subjects included my night, dating, breaking up, and SI.

I then went home and talked with people online, listened to Morrissey songs. I had my delicious naan burrito, went to my bed around 7 and then remembered that I had been planning to call my dad. After that, I listened to more Morrissey - well, watched Morrissey and The Smiths videos online, did some poking around facebook, had a half a can of peaches, and, of course, told the story of the first weekend of the rest of my life.

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