Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I just learned about R.O.W.E. and I like it

My bed was like a trap this morning, and I got up late. I managed to shower and completely blow dry my hair so it was, once again, super cute, but my top was not as super cute today. Work was good today - another day where I could bill 100% of my time, I'm getting to like this, and I think I will definitely be able to justify a week in training in September. I went to the cafeteria feeling kinda crappy though, and got a very heavy salad. I only had about a third of it for lunch, along with my tofu, and put the rest away. I found that the cleaning of the fridge did not discard my string cheese or fake meat, so I had some string cheese too, to help stabilize me. Blah blah blah, more work - then around 4, people suddenly began IMing me, A, A, S, and even J, it was great. Around 6:15, my Singapore guy came online and I touched base with him, then I was off to the gym.

I did ten minutes on the elliptical, then I did four laps of walking lunges, talked with a guy in the weight room, then did 20 oblique thing sit-ups and 25 regular sit-ups. I think I could have done more, but Jeopardy would be on soon. I did another 26 minutes on the elliptical and slowly realized that hey - the anagrams of Canadian provinces sounds familiar - so did Alex's quip. And then that supreme court category - this is a repeat! But then I looked over on that Big Idea show (or some stupid show about money) and it was some dumb show about how the right spouse can help you, and I recognized that show from a while back. I felt like I was in a time warp and that it was May or something.

At 7:30, I left the gym and went home. I checked my fozen fish and saw that it needed to be thawed, so I threw one in the fridge for tomorrow and microwaved another after making some odd concoction with the cherry tomatoes and spinach. I had it with some white wine and salt and it wasn't too bad. I think any notable events (not that these are that exciting either) are done for the day, I will probably read more Chinese history before bed.

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